Susan Rudoler
“Moraine Lake”
18″ X 24″
To contact this Orillia Buzz artist email Susan: Srudoler@gmail.com
http://susan/ rudoler.com
Susan Rudoler
“Moraine Lake”
18″ X 24″
To contact this Orillia Buzz artist email Susan: Srudoler@gmail.com
http://susan/ rudoler.com
Conrad Mieschke
“Maligne Lake”
24″ x 48″
This work will be in the Rose Theatre Gallery, September 2016 as part of the 8 Buzz Artists Exhibit.
“This Painting was conceived during a 5-week camping/hiking trip with my son Paul in Jasper National Park, Alberta Canada and inspired by the same image on the back of the former Canadian 20 Dollar bank note (out of circulation since the 1960s).”
“It was sketched on location, but completed in my studio.”
For more examples of Conrad’s artwork, see his category on Big Art Buzz or https://conrad-mieschke.pixels.com/?
William Band
“Long View”
20″ x 16″
See this work on William’s official website.